From LinkedIn –

Is body language important to decipher a customer’s Intent? It’s the reason that people are starting to get on planes again! Can AI read a person’s #emotionalintelligence better than you?

How do you get True Customer Intent from your Zoom or Gong calls? Start with what the customer says (and how they say it) in the context of your meeting like a sales discovery call, or a customer success kickoff call. Add in body language, facial expressions and gestures for a more spot on understanding especially when you combine these together!

Our Mad Scientist just built this into our product (beta) and we’re prioritizing which body language signals to add in first.

Lean Forward – listening intently
Smile and head nod – hit an aha moment.
Eyes Looking down – taking notes
Eyes looking low and side to side – checking email

What gesture or facial expression would you like to see about your customer’s Intention?

Write it down below and give us ideas and if enough people like the same we’ll make it the next feature! We’re starting a private beta before Thanksgiving so write something below to join in!

#customerintent #customerintelligence #customersuccess #sales