While Customer Success has recently emerged as a new category, it’s been in practice by early pioneers of subscription in many forms for the past decade.

Customer Intelligence, while under the disguise of different technology patterns, has provided the underpinnings of success for these teams to scale!

While Customer Success has recently emerged as a new category, it’s been in practice by early pioneers of subscription in many forms for the past decade.

Customer Intelligence, while under the disguise of different technology patterns, has provided the underpinnings of success for these teams to scale!

Join three early founders of the customer success movement, and good friends in a lively discussion on how Customer Intelligence was the key to their early success. Bring your questions and expect incredible sharing of their vision of how the consumption economy could look in 5-10 years as bleeding edge tech like AI and ML harden and are applied to the field of Customer Success!




Can Better Conversations drive more NRR?

Data Drives proactivity, and proactivity drives growth. 

3 More Use cases can triple the growth rate in a customer.     

 These simple equations change the game! 


How do we add AI to our existing Customer Journey?

Now that we have a bed of data, and a journey defined, how do we add AI to remove the Gut Feel?

Customer Success is a company wide Mission!

Be smart and don’t make the customer keep repeating themselves!    

Customer Success should be a company wide mission! 


Can we take NPS to the next level?

We might have something special on our hands if we can go beyond NPS for just a little while!

Customer Intelligence can be the foundation of your company.

Be smart and don’t make the customer keep repeating themselves!    

Customer Success should be a company wide mission! 


What IF scenarios made possible with Intelligence

What if we focused on getting 2.5 Use cases per customer, would that drive 5x growth?    Learn the secret!

Focus on NRR as the end result, drive the Customer Journey Handoffs!


Working together between Sales, Services and Customer Success is all quite a bit smoother when you look at the Customer Journey through an Intelligence Lens.   

What’s the blueprint for success?   Find out here!



Watch the Full version on LinkedIn LIVE!  


Yo’ll probably find yourself trying to rewatch it at 1.5X speed, just like in your Gong and Zoom calls.     Just like we summarized the event here, CompleteCSM can summarize every meeting with your customers using Intelligence.    Sign up today!