The Customer Intelligence Cloud

Democratizing intelligence about customers from the signals collected everyday.    Access to Data Scientist to Sales rep and eveyrone in between.   

A woman looking at customer insights

Customer Intent API

Use our Next Generation GraphQL API to source Dimensional Data about Customers / Contacts, but also leverage our Deep Understanding Pipeline on reading Emotions, Sentiment, Intentions of people and text.

Churn Predictor API

Use time series data that combines signals, usage data, health scores and more to create a linear regression analysis of data into the future.   Produce a dataset per customer that to accelerate your data scientist efforts and leverage in their own analysis to save months of time and energy spent “figuring out” the data.  It’s done for you! 


Embedded Application Assembler

Augment Gainsight,  Churn Zero, Salesforce, Hubspot and more with Customer Intelligence.      Embed Conversational Analytics, Account Predictions, Contact analytics and more directly into your existing Customer Success System or CRM to avoid the swivel chair of having Intelligence in two systems! 

Introducing the First API

for Customer Intent

Customer Intent

Know for sure if your customer situation was turned around fast enough to change their intentions

Next Generation Sentiment

from facial recognition to Analysis of attributes, completes the picture of each individual.

Wheel of Emotion

Plutnik’s Wheel of Emotion can determine subjectivity and polarity of a situation so that you can take the appropriate action,

Behavioral Profile

What’s important to this person, how do you work with them, what’s the bottom line?      Instant access through our API.

Customer Intent API

Get Started now working with Jupyter Notebooks, Snowflake and more.

Churn Predictor API

Time Series Customer Data

Access data on your customers in multiple dimensions including loyalty vs adoption vs health vs date time.     Accessible through a GraphQL API for Dimensional data.

Linear Regression Predictions

Project out trends in your data to quickly and accurately understand which customers will Expand or Churn.  Deterministic views against where lines converge or diverge. and the slope of Adoption or Loyalty for each customer.

Machine Learning Profiles

Create what good looks like with a expansion profile of your top customers, and find others like them.     

Churn profiles are critical also to get ahead of issues. 


Embedded Application Assembler 

Create and Build Applications your way.  Embed Widgets into any application in a simple, authenticated fashion.    Examples in Gainsight, Salesforce, Hubspot and more. 

In Salesforce Lightening

Access all of your Signals and Conversations per account as visual force pages in Lightening.

In Gainsight

Supporting the new Gainsight home and Customer 360. 

Contact Us

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24×7 We Never Sleep!

Get Started

Get a demo of CompleteCSM to see how the customer success intelligence cloud can help you grow and retain your customer base.